This isn’t pretty

My morning email brought me this:

I understand your obsession to see Serbia subdued will never wane, even if it means supporting Jihadists and organ extractors in the process……..but know that the Serbian diaspora (which represents about 45% of Serbs worldwide) will not let Kosovo i Metohija be occupied forever.

When conditions are favorable, Serbia will liberate its province. Your ‘expertise’ doesn’t get you far because you do not truly understand Serbian resolve. Luckily I am young so I will see the liberation happen, hopefully you will too before you die.

But before you do end up dying, you should really find Christ.



When I asked for permission to post, the response was this:

Post wherever you choose my friend. I would appreciate your permission to forward you to some mental health facilities to help cure your obsession you have over trying to subdue the Serbian people. I’m glad you’ve made a living off spreading Serbophobia. Hopefully your mental illness can be cured before it’s your time to go and you can find Christ before your number is called.



I had another bit of mail this morning (from an American born in Serbia) asking

Do you really think that Serbia as a whole wishes to return to the days of Milosevic…or are you strictly speaking on political agendas which now would be the work of current president Tomislav Nikolic?

I answered that I was talking only of the political agenda as reflected in the platform recently put forward by President Nikolic, who in my view won the presidential election fair and square and represents the views of the majority. But I know a lot of Serbs who would not agree with that platform, or with the sentiments Nikola expresses, even if they believe Kosovo belongs to Serbia and should not be taken away.

My Twitter feed has also not always been kind the last couple of days.  Here’s a sample:

D M@Dragg68

@ShannonPoe@DanielSerwer Hate mongers like Serwer don’t recognize Serbian victims, and prefer to support Hitler’s old allies in the Balkans

I’ll leave it to readers to decide who mongers hate.

Daniel Serwer

Published by
Daniel Serwer
Tags: Balkans

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