Categories: Daniel Serwer

If they confirm, then November 6

Much of America was transfixed yesterday on a Senate hearing in which PhD psychologist Christine Blasey Ford confronted Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with her memory of a violent sexual attack by him when they were both teenagers. He denied the accusation.

I can’t improve on this tweetstorm from Erica Chenoweth, republished with her permission:

. And I think that her testimony should be enough to end his nomination. But even if I didn’t, disqualified himself on multiple other counts that highlight the ominous times we live in.

This nominee showed that he (1) is a blatant partisan with seething amounts of rage at Democrats and the movement; 2) doesn’t respect the rule of law and / or thinks it shouldn’t apply to him (won’t call for an FBI investigation of a crime he claims he’s innocent of);
(3) thinks it’s appropriate to scream at, accuse, and insult a panel of ppl interviewing him for a job; (4) thinks interrupting women is fine; (5) thinks dodgy and sarcastic responses are appropriate during sworn testimony;
(6) couldn’t bother to listen to a sexual assault survivor’s testimony or display any empathy whatsoever for her experience or her courage in testifying; (7) thinks the court is his, that he can bully his way into it, and that he deserves it as compensation for this scandal; (8) has no idea what normal social drinking is (“whatever it says on the chart”).

I do not minimize the gravity of Dr Ford’s claims. Her testimony was courageous, profound, and unforgettable.

And this is not only a choice between believing her or him. It’s also abt whether to give a lifetime appointment w/ incredible constitutional power to a bully who disregards the rule of law, resents Dems & survivors, dismisses women’s voices & takes no personal responsibility.

is unfit to serve. A nominee who respected the institution would withdraw. But he remains there b/c he wants the job more than he wants a healthy court. Trump wants immunity from criminal prosecution & another turn at rolling back civil and reproductive rights.

This is an appointment w far-reaching effects that can’t be undone. The GOP is so insistent on getting their man that they’d rather approve an unqualified fraught nominee than find another candidate. This is what it looks like when love of party outweighs love of democracy.

And this time it threatens to close another chapter of the American democratic experiment. I am sickened by the way that patriarchy protects itself. But it only defends itself when threatened. And threatened it is.

Trump & the GOP are on the wrong side of history. Dr Ford, other survivors who have come forward, the movement, , , and the millions of other ppl who have been protesting this madness show us a different future.

It’s one where authenticity, inclusivity, and accountability to one another are viewed as strengths rather than vulnerabilities to exploit. We are building this future in our movements, in our homes, in our neighborhoods, and in our schools.

may be part of a disgusting chapter in US history, but it’s not the end of the story. I believe Dr Ford. I am grateful for her service. She and the country deserve better than this.

Will Kavanaugh be confirmed? Things that depend on decisions of one or only a few people are difficult to predict. The vote in committee was up to Senator Flake, who has has announced he is a “yes.” The vote on the floor is up to Senators Murkowski and Collins.

I think they will confirm, despite the sterling performance by Ford and the disgusting display of partisan male anger and privileged entitlement on the part of Kavanaugh. He displayed precisely why he should not be on the Supreme Court, both in what he said and how he said it.

But this Republican party is still basically united in wanting to tilt the court in the direction of blocking abortion, enriching the already wealthy, preserving white privilege, and protecting President Trump from the Mueller investigation. Kavanaugh is reliable on those things. Senate Republicans couldn’t care less what he did as a teenager, the possibility that he has been lying about it, or his blatant departure from civility and non-partisanship in yesterday’s hearing.

But let’s remember: there is another verdict pending at the mid-term election on November 6.


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