Categories: Daniel Serwer

A bang, not a whimper

The FBI got both smart and lucky in tracking down the originator of 14 pipe bombs sent to Democrats earlier this week. None of the bombs exploded, which left lots of evidence intact. Fingerprints and DNA led the authorities to a confirmed, even maniacal Trump, supporter, who helpfully plastered his extremist political views all over his live-in van.

But this will not be the end of the long downward spiral into which President Trump has thrust American society. The President last night suggested to evangelical supporters that the leftist Antifa movement would originate violence if he were to lose the Congress:

What better from the point of view of right-wing extremists than to preempt them? Claiming to be a victim, or a potential one, is a well-known way of justifying and inciting violence against adversaries. Already this morning there was a deadly attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh.

Of course it is also possible that leftists will be stirred to violence. That would be a disaster for Democratic prospects at the polls November 6. But some on the left don’t have any confidence in elections and want to undermine, not strengthen, democracy. They could do it no faster than to respond to right-wing provocations with their own violence.

It is also possible the Republicans might be tempted to fake a left-wing attack. Many right-wing commenters were speculating that the 14 pipe bombs sent to Democrats were a false flag operation. Why wouldn’t some on the right wonder whether that would be a good idea? If done close enough to the election, the FBI might not even be able to get the truth out in time.

This escalation of violence can only end in disaster. Trump won’t hesitate to continue his incitement, naming individuals, calling the news media enemies of the people, and suggesting that his opponents are planning violent attacks. No respectable leader on the left has or will respond in kind, but there are enough fools out there to continue the downward spiral. What the disaster will be I cannot predict, but it will come, because there is nothing to dampen the escalation. This will end with a bang, not a whimper.

Daniel Serwer

Published by
Daniel Serwer

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