Your Saturday video

Nothing finer this week than Congressman Adam Schiff’s response to the Republican request that he resign:

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2 thoughts on “Your Saturday video”

  1. Glad I was in Thailand for the last week, and missed the hateful, divisive, partisan politics going on in the US. That said, it was amazing how many Asians asked me why Trump is such a horrible US president.

  2. So, if the detailed Mueller report reveals the same lack of collusion that the Barr letter summary relates, does Rep Schiff reverse his and others’ stated support for depending on the results of the Mueller effort? Seems they will, as hypocritical as that may be.

    Yes, he certainly has the right and perhaps the obligation to pursue oversight by his committee, but that effort should be done OBJECTIVELY — e.g., sans his pre-conceived proclamations of treason, collusion, and even obstruction of justice (which may yet be revealed anyway).

    That is, until and unless his committee’s investigation or others uncovers such crimes as truths.

    His public bias equals that of the creepy protestations emanating from the current Administration.

    Mueller, so far, has been the only adult in the room — though, believe it or not, so has Pelosi to a degree.

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