Navalny is in prison but his video is free

This 2-hour flood of facts and photos from Alexei Navalny (subtitled in English) reveals the sources and disposition of Vladimir Putin’s enormous wealth. It has already been watched by more than 80 million people. Are you one of them?


Hard to add much, especially as Russia is beyond my expertise. But I do hope that Navalny is right that voting can still un-do this mega-theft. Many Russians are already taking to the streets to protest against his arrest:

…begets courage.

What will Washington and Brussels do?

Added February 2: Only denunciations so far, but here is Navalny today in court, where he was sentenced to more than two years in prison for parole violations, some while he was outside Russia recovering from President Putin’s nerve poison attempt to assassinate him:

and speaks courageously.
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