Colleagues from the Bloomberg School of Public Health and I collaborated two years ago in considering as an ethical question how many refugees the US should accept for resettlement. President Obama had bumped the number up. President Trump slashed it. President Biden is going to move it up this year and aim to top Obama’s number next fiscal year. Such drastic changes belie what we found among most experts on the right and left: a consensus on the moral imperative and the need to maintain consistency even as they differed on the risks and benefits. We’ll discuss the findings and implications 12-1 pm March 5 on Zoom, so join us and register here.
It's not just that all that glitters is not gold. It's that anything Trump touches…
The biggest threat looming is the Supreme Court. If it upholds Trump's egregious behavior in…
We need what used to be termed an "intervention." Here is one idea: get the…
America will have shrunk to a Western Hemisphere power pining after Panama and Greenland. We'll…
It's not a giant step. Neither Washington nor Kyiv has done more than agree to…
The fate of Bosnia is where it should be: with its citizens. The conviction of…