Month: June 2023

Stevenson’s army, June 3

– NYT has a good assessment of the debt ceiling deal. In my view, the good news is that a centrist agreement was reached and passed; the bad news is that future agreements will be harder because the Administration seems to accept the GOP red lines of no new revenues and ever-growing defense, and the GOP accept the Democratic opposition to touching mandatory social programs.

– Jake Sullivan says the US still wants arms control. His speech, and a story about it.

– FP writer complains [and he’s right] that the Biden administration isn’t really doing trade deals yet falsely redefines agreements as FTAs.

– WSJ notes that oral exams are back. [We were there long ago.]

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes this almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I republish here, with occasional videos of my choice. To get Stevenson’s army by email, send a blank email (no subject or text in the body) to You’ll get an email confirming your join request. Click “Join This Group” and follow the instructions to join. Once you have joined, you can adjust your email delivery preferences (if you want every email or a digest of the emails).

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