Today is a rainy day

5 years ago

This tidbit from the Washington Post about the weekend attack on Saudi oil facilities is both telling and appalling: U.S.…

Stevenson’s army, September 16

5 years ago

- WSJ says North Korea is making billions of dollars by its cyber activities.- Joshua Rovner says cyber conflict should…

Peace Picks September 16-22

5 years ago

1.Israeli Elections and Minority Communities|September 17, 2019|10:00 AM-11:30AM|Middle East Institute|1763 N Street NW, Washington District of Columbia 20036|Register Here The…

Confrontation intensifies

5 years ago

On September 12, The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW) hosted a panel discussion entitled, “As Maximum Pressure and…

Stevenson’s army, September 13

5 years ago

NYT has a list of forreign policy problems for which the president wants to do deals and is surprisingly optimistic…

Restraint and its challenges

5 years ago

Last night's debate among Democratic presidential candidates spent relatively little time on foreign policy, maybe 10-12 minutes out of the…

Stevenson’s army, September 12

5 years ago

- I agree with Thomas Wright of Brookings that Bolton's ouster presages a pivot to diplomacy for the elections. I…

Bolton and Trump unleashed

5 years ago

John Bolton and Donald Trump were always an odd couple: the one a consistent hawkish interventionist and bureaucratic operator in…

Ends and means after the caliphate

5 years ago

On September 10 the Brookings Institution hosted a panel discussion entitled "The Counter-ISIS Coalition: Diplomacy and Security in Action." The…

Stevenson’s army, September 11

5 years ago

John Bolton is out. The consensus of major reporting is that, despite numerous disagreements between the adviser and the president,…