A bad barometer reading

5 years ago

On June 26 the Atlantic Council held a panel to discuss the release of opinion poll data collected by the…

The US needs a green-water navy

5 years ago

On June 26 the Hudson Institute hosted two author presentations followed by a panel discussion on maritime irregular warfare. The…

Two can play

5 years ago

President Trump's "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran is generating a "smart pressure" campaign in return. Tehran can't limit American ability…

The Americans get desperate

5 years ago

I did this interview for Turkey's TRT World yesterday, on Trump and Iran:

Silly and sad

5 years ago

Jared Kushner's much-hyped Peace to Prosperity economic proposal for Palestine, published over the weekend by the White House, is like…

Peace Picks: June 24-28

5 years ago

Closing the Gender Gap in Arms Control, Nonproliferation, and Disarmament | June 24, 2019 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM…

The time is ripe

5 years ago

When adversaries square off, as the US and Iran have done in recent weeks, they sometimes reach a point at…

Trump gets it right

5 years ago

President Trump got it right last night for once: he called off a disproportionate retaliatory attack on Iran. It would…

Russia’s Venezuela Gamble

5 years ago

On June 20 the Atlantic Council hosted an event on “Russian Influence in Venezuela: What Should the United States Do?”…

South Sudan’s six month delay

5 years ago

June 18 the United States Institute of Peace held an event discussing the political, military, and humanitarian situation of South…