Demilitarized zones aren’t safe

6 years ago

The Washington Post reports: "The territory controlled by the Syrian opposition must be demilitarized,” Erdogan told reporters in the Russian…

More on partition

6 years ago

I did this interview with Janusz Bugajski for RTK on September 4, but it was only broadcast last Friday, September…

Peace Picks September 17 – 23

6 years ago

1. China's Role in Myanmar's Internal Conflicts | Monday, September 17, 2018 | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm | U.S.…

The expansion is ending, not soaring

6 years ago

The New York Times this morning wonders why the "booming" economy isn't redounding to benefit Republican politicians. Here's a try…


6 years ago

Charles Kupchan, who is a professor at Georgetown and a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, writes in the New…

Slaying the partition vampire

6 years ago

Serbian President Vucic's speech in northern Kosovo on Sunday has attracted a lot of attention because of this nauseating line:…


6 years ago

9/11 should not be an occasion for vaunting empty patriotism, but for assessing our situation soberly and looking for more…

Peace Picks September 10 -16

6 years ago

1. The War on Something-ism: 17 Years and Counting | Monday, September 10, 2018 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm…

No swap is a good swap

6 years ago

Here is the long interview I did this week with Jeta Xharra, Director of the Balkans Investigative Reporting Network in…

This is real news

6 years ago

We are all transfixed with the anonymous Times op/ed that told us nothing new and with the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing,…