A Syrian plea

6 years ago

I received today this "Statement to the Public Opinion from Syrian Political & Civil Forces": Supported by Russia, al-Assad Regime…

Tragedy impends

6 years ago

Pristina daily Koha Ditore has given me permission to republish in English Besnik Krasniqi's in-depth interview of Ambassador Lulzim Peci,…

Peace picks September 3 – 9

6 years ago

1. Tensions with Turkey: A Calleo Series Panel on Turkey and the West | Tuesday, September 4, 2018 | 5:30 pm - 7:00…

Good enough for me

6 years ago

Those who favor a still ill-defined but all too real "border correction/land swap" between Serbia and Kosovo are justifying it…


6 years ago

Everyone is looking for a hedge against Trump's bombast and unpredictability. My own today is to think about the other…

Trials and tribulations

6 years ago

So no, we are nowhere near the end of the Trump scandals and their consequences. We face at least two…

Peace Picks – August 20 – 26

6 years ago

1. U.S.-Turkey Relations in Crisis: Where Are We Headed? | Wednesday, August 22, 2018 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am | The Wilson Center | Register Here Please…

Academe says “no” to partition

6 years ago

If I read this correctly, it means that if you want to avoid war in the Balkans, the right approach…

Burden sharing is good, but…

6 years ago

The State Department announced Friday that it was canceling $200 million in assistance for "stabilization" in parts of Syria the…

Diplomacy for drawdown

6 years ago

Marc Lynch, after describing well the security dilemmas and state fragility that are driving Middle East conflicts, concludes: US hegemony…