Peace picks, May 21 – 27

6 years ago

After ISIS, Will Iraq’s Elections be the Next Step to Stability? | Monday, May 21| 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm…

Up a creek without a paddle

6 years ago

A Wilson Center panel yesterday considered recent developments with Iran, particularly Trump’s groundbreaking decision to exit the Joint Comprehensive Plan…

North Korea bites back

6 years ago

Here, via @JChengWSJ, is North Korea's statement on the prospective Summit between Presidents Trump and Kim: This tirade is aimed…

The peril ahead

6 years ago

The US was never an honest broker in the Israel/Palestine conflict. Its roles were to push Israel into a process…

Stop griping

6 years ago

Marija Jovicevic at the Montenegrin daily Pobjeda asked some questions. I answered: New elected president of Montenegro Mr. Đukanović said…

America alone is weak

6 years ago

Here's how I see the US in the Middle East today: Move of its embassy to Jerusalem will mark the…

Peace picks, May 14 – May 20

6 years ago

The Fallout from Trump’s Decision on the Iran Deal | Monday, May 14 | 12:00pm – 1:30pm | Atlantic Council…

Winds of change in Baghdad?

6 years ago

Tomorrow, Iraq will hold its first national elections since the war with ISIS in 2014.  More than a return to…

No formula for success

6 years ago

The downsides of withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal are all too obvious. But it behooves any conflict management type…

BIG mistake

6 years ago

As expected, Donald Trump today announced American withdrawal from the nuclear deal, re-imposition of sanctions, and a threat of sanctions…