Cautious optimism

6 years ago

Iraq is in transition. With the territorial defeat of ISIS having been completed in late 2017, the reconstruction and political…

The US, EU and Kosovo: can they sync up?

6 years ago

Here are the speaking notes for the talk I gave this morning under the auspices of KIPRED in Pristina, Ambassador…

The US, the EU and Macedonia

6 years ago

Here are the notes I used speaking in the Macedonian Parliament yesterday with Prime Minister Zaev, EU Ambassador Zbogar, and…

Keeping our bases covered

6 years ago

The Persian Gulf region has seen a buildup in American military power in recent decades. With major bases in various…

The Rocket Man/Dotard Summit

6 years ago

North Korea's suspension of nuclear and missile tests in anticipation of Kim Jung-un's meeting with Donald Trump should surprise no…

Peace picks, April 23 – 29

6 years ago

Washington's Shifting Syria Policy: Implications for U.S.-Turkey Relations | Monday, April 23 | 11:00am – 12:30pm | Turkish Heritage Foundation…

Not enough to make a difference

6 years ago

My piece on the US/French/British attack on Syria's chemical weapons plants is up on The National Interest, three days after…

Pragmatism, not ideals

6 years ago

The United States and France look back on a steadfast relationship. Providing support during the American War of Independence, France…

Peace picks, April 16 – 22

6 years ago

Colombia Peace Forum: Elections & Peace Processes in Colombia | Monday, April 16 | 9:30am – 11:30am | U.S. Institute…

Delay can be good

6 years ago

Yesterday's bravado has given way to today's hesitation. President Trump tweeted this morning: Never said when an attack on Syria…