Rattled now, unglued next

6 years ago

Donald Trump this morning tweeted: Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia,…

The missing ingredient

6 years ago

Syrian President Assad, thumbing his nose at the US, launched another major chemical attack Saturday, this time against Douma on…

Peace picks, April 9 – 15

6 years ago

Russia and the European Court of Human Rights after 20 Years | Monday, April 9 | 9:30am – 11:00am |…

A game of chicken

6 years ago

President Trump thinks a trade war will be easy to win. When a country (USA) is losing many billions of…

Syrian chessboard

6 years ago

Entering its eighth year, the civil war in Syria has developed into a serious regional conflict. What started as a…

Dare to dream

6 years ago

Alexandros Mallias, former ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the US and now a special adviser to Eliamep, writes (based…

Stay, but not for long

6 years ago

March 29 President Trump declared: We’re coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of…

The R word in practice

6 years ago

Natasa Kandic yesterday sent around a policy brief on How the European Union Can Contribute to Reconciliation of Post-Yugoslav Countries.…

An artful Saudi charm offensive

6 years ago

Quite a bit has been written recently about the efforts of the Saudi state – and its de facto leader…

Next year in Jerusalem

6 years ago

Israel's use of deadly force against mostly nonviolent Gaza demonstrators on Friday raises lots of questions: as none of the…