One courageous Russian

7 years ago

I don't usually deal with Russian politics, but this video (all 25 minutes or so) merits watching and marveling. Alexei…

Kosovo’s travail

7 years ago

I've already expressed my enthusiasm for the EU's re-opening of the window for enlargement in the Western Balkans. I don't…

Operation Olive Branch

7 years ago

I did an episode of "Heat" for China's CGTN America yesterday on the Turkish offensive (Operation Olive Branch) in Kurdish-controlled Afrin,…

So far, so good

7 years ago

The European Commission today announced its new strategy for the Western Balkans: "A credible enlargement perspective for and enhanced EU engagement."…

Peace picks, February 5-11

7 years ago

Stabilizing Raqqa: Connecting Current Operations to U.S. Policy Objectives | Monday, February 5 | 9:30am – 11:00am | CSIS |…

Peace is still far off

7 years ago

As 2018 opens, the Syrian Civil War, as a battle of two opposing visions of Syria’s future, has ended. Today,…


7 years ago

President Trump last night read slowly from a teleprompter and convinced much of America's media that he could behave soberly…

My state of the union

7 years ago

My Fellow Americans, It has been a year since an unqualified braggart and blowhard bully was elected without a numerical…

Bob Marley, Israel, and Palestine

7 years ago

I made it home from Jerusalem in good order Saturday, just 20 hours after leaving the American Colony Hotel. Its…

Peace picks, January 29 – February 4

7 years ago

Modernizing Trade Rules: The TPP and Beyond | Monday, January 29 | 10:00am – 11:30am | Brookings Institution | Register…