Trump will fail

7 years ago

I've been in Israel and Palestine for the past two weeks, contrary to the State Department's unequivocal guidance. It would…

Israeli advantages

7 years ago

I wrote a couple of days ago about the current Palestinian narrative. Today I'll try to describe the Jewish Israeli…


7 years ago

Meeting today for the first time in Davos, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras and Macedonian Prime Minister Zaev exchanged friendly words…

Resist to exist in dignity

7 years ago

I'm in Jerusalem, where Vice President Pence declared to the Knesset today: We stand with Israel because we believe in right over…

Peace picks, January 22-26

7 years ago

Ending Civil Wars | Monday, January 22 | 2:30pm – 4:00pm | U.S. Institute of Peace | Register here |…

Syria strategy

7 years ago

Secretary of State Tillerson today in a speech at the Hoover Institution outlined US goals in Syria. Tobias Schneider summarized…

Trump’s threat to the nuclear deal

7 years ago

Pantelis Ikonomou, former IAEA nuclear inspector, offers this reflection on President Trump's continuing threat to withdraw from the Iran nuclear…

Peace picks, January 15-19

7 years ago

Peace picks is back, courtesy of newly arrived Middle East Institute intern Adam Friend: Pakistan, America, and Extremism: The Path…

Two new lows

7 years ago

President Trump has hit two new lows: his racist comment on the origins of some American immigrants and his renewed…

What has God got to do with it?

7 years ago

I gave a much shortened version of this talk on the role of religion in the Israeli/Arab conflict this afternoon…