Putin’s pet president

7 years ago

CNN reports that President Trump said off-camera on Air Force One about President Putin: He said he didn't meddle. He…

The Saudi auto-coup

7 years ago

Thirty-two year-old Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) has taken on a lot: Domestic political and economic reforms, including…

Everyone needs more realism

7 years ago

Donika Krasniqi of Gazeta Express asked some questions; I responded: Q: US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hoyt Yee said during…


7 years ago

My Council on Foreign Relations report on preventing the unraveling of the Balkan peace agreements was published yesterday. It speaks for…

The US and Turkey at loggerheads

7 years ago

Last Thursday, the SETA Foundation in Washington hosted Richard Outzen of the US Department of State, Mark Kimmitt of MTK…

My strange name

7 years ago

The Russian Ambassador to Serbia, in an interview with Sputnik News, notes that my family name, Serwer, is "strange." Indeed it is. Though…

Peace picks November 6 – 10

7 years ago

Democratic Deterioration at Home and Abroad | Monday, November 6 | 12:15 - 2:00 pm | New America | Register…

Arabs like America, not its government

7 years ago

In a refreshing change to most conversations about the Middle East where narratives originating at the government level are given…

We have met the enemy

7 years ago

Today's national security headaches include both the foreign use of the internet to interfere in US elections and "lone wolf"…

To the victor…

7 years ago

Moscow has decided to convene a November 18 all-Syria (presumably opposition and government) dialogue in Sochi. Having shaped the military…