Both Pakistan and the US have options

7 years ago

In August, US President Trump announced a new plan concerning Afghanistan that included a harsh stance on Pakistan, accusing the…

Time to cut deals

7 years ago

Iraq needs to settle its internal issues so that it can begin to play its proper role in helping the…

Kirkuk makes a big difference

7 years ago

the Americans will want to maintain as strong a relationship with Abadi as possible, to counter Iranian expanded influence in…

More sovereignty, not less

7 years ago

No. I don't think recognition should wait until just before becoming an EU member. I think it should happen sooner.…

National aspirations v geopolitical reality

7 years ago

Some of us have worried about the Kirkuk "powder keg" for a long time. The fuse has now been lit.…

Peace picks October 16 – 20

7 years ago

Iraq's Political Compact and Its Regional Priorities | Tuesday, October 17 | 12:00 - 4:30 pm | Middle East Institute…

Beyond absurd

7 years ago

Others have already picked apart President Trump's speech on Iran, showing it to be inaccurate, vacuous, mendacious, illogical and just…

What to do in Syria now

7 years ago

Ibrahim al Assil, a founder of the Syrian Nonviolence Movement, a fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington, and a…

It’s Friday the 13th

7 years ago

The week has already been tumultuous. President Trump has dissed Puerto Rico by suggesting it is not worthy of the…

Big nuclear danger ahead

7 years ago

Pantelis Ikonomou, a former IAEA safeguards inspector, writes:  The nuclear threat is at a historical high. The North Korean crisis…