Idlib is the center of gravity, not Raqqa

7 years ago

I've been in Turkey the last few days, talking with Syrian opposition people (including civil society, the Syrian Interim Government…

Bluster/distract/cave won’t work

7 years ago

Donald Trump's much-vaunted negotiating skills have produced virtually nothing in the past eight months of his singularly unproductive presidency. What…

Peace picks September 11 – 15

7 years ago

Sixteen Years After 9/11: Assessing the Terrorist Threat | Monday, September 11 | 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm | New…

Fox for president

7 years ago

I'm taking off for Turkey this afternoon and don't have time to write anything as good as this Vicente Fox…

Incoherence is poison

7 years ago

The United States is objectively no less powerful than it was seven months ago. Its military forces, its economy, even…

The Dreamers and the Rohingya

7 years ago

Yes, of course there are important differences between what President Trump has decided to do--remove the "deferred action" status accorded…

Kim is winning because Trump

7 years ago

Permanent Representative Haley is pushing hard this week for a new UN Security Council resolution on North Korea, one that…

Tweeter-in-chief meets defiance

7 years ago

Locked and loaded for fire and fury, President Trump now confronts a defiant Kim Jong-un, who has conducted a big…

Empty slots and special envoys

7 years ago

Let me try to clarify a bit the issues of empty slots and special envoys in the State Department, which…

Trump’s Moscow tower

7 years ago

This was the big deal Trump was pursuing, right up to his becoming a serious candidate for president. His staff…