Counterbalancing Iran

7 years ago

On Wednesday, Senator Christopher Coons (D-DE) paid a visit to the Middle East Institute to deliver a keynote address entitled…

No, Turkey isn’t going nuclear

7 years ago

The issue of Turkey's nuclear intentions has generated speculation: Is Turkey Secretly Working on Nuclear Weapons? | The National Interest Pantelis…

Peace picks July 10-14

7 years ago

Zapad 17: Implications for NATO and the United States | Tuesday, July 11 | 9:00 am | Atlantic Council | Register…

A compromised president

7 years ago

The White House is vaunting the President's positive chemistry with Russian President Putin at their meeting yesterday in Hamburg, on…

The world in 2394 words

7 years ago

I spoke this afternoon at the 10th Summer School for Young Diplomats in Kolasin, Montenegro. Here are the speaking notes…

Up creek, no paddle

7 years ago

The North Koreans celebrated July 4 with launch of a missile they claim (and some expert observers confirm) could be…

Another view of July 4

7 years ago

New Yorker editor David Remnick draws attention to abolitionist Frederick Douglass' 1852 July 4 address to the Ladies of the Rochester…

More questions than answers

7 years ago

The National Interest published my piece on the White House warning on chemical weapons  only yesterday under a headline I didn't…

The mist of peace

7 years ago

I enjoyed, in a manner of speaking, a discussion with colleagues this week about post-liberation security and justice challenges in…

Far from normalization

7 years ago

Here is an interview I did a few days ago with Hamid Bayati of the Mehr News agency in Tehran: …