A delicate balance

7 years ago

The Western Balkans: A Delicate Balance The collapse of Yugoslavia twenty-six years ago unleashed brutal wars and a huge humanitarian…

Peace picks June 19-23

7 years ago

Losing An Enemy: Can the Iran Nuclear Deal Survive Trump? | Monday, June 19 | 12 pm | Atlantic Council | Register…

A tense and perpetual peace

7 years ago

The Middle East Institute Wednesday hosted a conversation on Iran-Pakistan relations featuring senior fellow Alex Vatanka, retired ambassador to Sri Lanka…

Why so many Tunisian terrorists?

7 years ago

More than six years after their Arab spring uprising and two national elections, Tunisians still really don't like their own…

Sessions’ session

7 years ago

Unless you find a white supremacist's indignant defense of his honor interesting, Attorney General Sessions' appearance yesterday at a Senate…

The KLA isn’t the only winner

7 years ago

A coalition led by three parties that trace their origins to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) won a plurality in…

Trump excels at disappointing

7 years ago

I regret to inform my august readership that Piglet is correct. Trump isn't gone. He is claiming to have been…


7 years ago

It is clear in former FBI Director Comey's written testimony that he thought President Trump tried to obstruct the investigation of…

Uncharted territory

7 years ago

All eyes are on testimony today by National Intelligence Director Coats and Acting FBI Director McCabe as well as tomorrow's…


7 years ago

I'm thrilled Montenegro joined NATO yesterday, not least because it signals to the rest of the Balkans that the door…