Self defeating

7 years ago

I've been off enjoying wife Jackie's Sarah Lawrence reunion, which followed hard on my own Haverford festivities. But I've not…

Justice takes forethought

7 years ago

My friends at the Syria Justice & Accountability Centre, on whose board I serve, have had some recent success in…

America First will put America last

7 years ago

Here, according to National Security Adviser McMaster and National Economic Council Director Gary D. Cohn is the essence of President…

Memorial Day for America and the Alliance

7 years ago

Donald Trump has done more damage to the NATO Alliance than the Soviet Union managed in more than 40 years.…

Back channels

7 years ago

Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law and key adviser, is reported to have tried to set up a secret "back channel"…

From Bosnia to Iraq, with love

7 years ago

Some colleagues interested in Iraq asked what lessons had been learned from states that have emerged from a collapse of…

It’s not going to be easy

7 years ago

Iran Friday re-elected President Rouhani, who pressed for and got a nuclear deal with the P5+1 (that's the US, UK,…

Concerned and uncertain

7 years ago

Pantelis Ikonomou, a former IAEA nuclear safeguards inspector who holds a PhD in nuclear physics from the University of Vienna,…

Surge 2.0

7 years ago

The US troop surge in 2007 went a long way to stabilizing Iraq. Replicating that effort under Iraqi leadership could…

Middle East policy begins to clarify

7 years ago

The President's speech on terrorism in Riyadh yesterday to assembled Sunni Muslims broke no new ground in appealing to Muslims…