
7 years ago

All presidential visits are shows. Host governments do their best to demonstrate to their visitor the best they have to…

Outrageous and incredibly stupid

7 years ago

Here's an interview I did Thursday for Alexander Gupta of UATV (Ukrainian government English-language service).  I didn't know yet that…

Shared goals, not collusion

7 years ago

President Trump is denouncing the Special Counsel appointed yesterday to investigate Russian influence on the US election as the worst…

“He’s finished”

7 years ago

That was the slogan of the protesters who sought, and eventually achieved, the removal of Slobodan Milosevic from power in…

Preventing new Balkan conflicts

7 years ago

Here are my speaking notes for the testimony I delivered today at the hearing on "The Balkans: Threats to Peace and…

Making America grate

7 years ago

Donald Trump is a bully. We need only recall his treatment of his Republican competitors, especially Marco Rubio, and his…

Still a long way to go

7 years ago

I've spent the last few days with people from many parts of the Middle East. They were cheerier than you…

Beginning of the end

7 years ago

President Trump's firing of FBI Director Comey is confirmation of what I said yesterday: Flynn was not the only one…


7 years ago

Former Deputy Attorney General Yates testified yesterday that former National Security Advisor Flynn was "compromised" by the Russians. They knew…


7 years ago

Neophyte politician Emanuele Macron today is projected to have won the French presidency, defeating nationalist Marine Le Pen. The outcome…