Peace picks May 8-12

7 years ago

Cultural Diplomacy to Tackle Today’s Challenges | Monday, May 8 | 4:30-6pm | SAIS | Register Here | Vali Nasr,…

Institutional amnesia

7 years ago

I haven't found a transcript of Secretary of State Tillerson's remarks at the State Department yesterday, but the New York…

The wrong cuts

7 years ago

The Alliance for Peacebuilding thinks the cuts to civilian foreign affairs agencies (State and the US Agency for International Development) proposed…


7 years ago

I've been hesitating to write about Donald Trump's catastrophic 30% budget cut to the State Department and USAID, because I…

Peace picks, May 1-5

7 years ago

1. Journalism In Hostile Environments: Perspectives From The Field | Monday, May 1st |9:30-11:00 AM | New America Foundation |…

Let him try to govern

7 years ago

Thugs supporting the erstwhile ruling party VMRO-DPMNE broke in to the Macedonian parliament yesterday, in an apparent effort to block…

Outside influences in the Balkans

7 years ago

Some colleagues asked that I talk yesterday about outside influences on the Balkans, where things have gotten shaky lately, with…

Merci bien!

7 years ago

Having won the first round of the French presidential election yesterday, Emanuele Macron will now face Marine Le Pen, President…

Peace picks April 24-28

7 years ago

Report Launch: “The Other Side of the World” | Monday, April 24 | 10:30-12 | CSIS | Register Here |…

Mil asks, civ responds

7 years ago

Military colleagues (same ones who produced this fine piece) recently asked some good questions. I replied: How could DoD and…