Still adrift

7 years ago

After a rough start, the Trump Administration has gotten more plaudits lately: the cruise missile attack on a Syrian airfield…

Stability from the bottom up

7 years ago

On Wednesday April 12, New America hosted a conversation with Ammar Kahf and M. Yaser Tabbara, co-founders of the Omran…

One more for illiberalism

7 years ago

Turkey's President Erdogan won his constitutional referendum Sunday by a narrow margin (more or less 51/49, but the results aren't…

Peace picks April 17-21

7 years ago

ISIS, Russia, and China: Can America Win at Three-Front Information War? | Tuesday, April 18 | 11:45-1:30 | Hudson Institute…

Bait, switch and fold

7 years ago

It is approaching 100 days since Donald Trump took office. He is getting applause in Washington for a cruise missile…

Containing civil war contagion

7 years ago

The Middle East Institute (MEI) hosted April 4 a panel “Containing the Civil War Contagion” featuring Kathleen Cunningham, Associate Professor…

Tillerson’s tilt

7 years ago

In Moscow today, Secretary of State Tillerson will try to convince the Russians to abandon President Assad and opt instead…

Peace picks April 10-14

7 years ago

A Panel Discussion on Debating the Merits of the Trump Administration's New Travel, Immigration, and Refugee Ban | Monday, April…

No answers

7 years ago

The big question that looms over Syria policy now that the US has attacked the air base there from which…

Yes, Kosovo needs stronger security forces

7 years ago

I spoke this morning (along with President Thaci, the American and French ambassadors  as well as Deputy Prime Minister Branimir…