Peace picks February 27 – March 3

8 years ago

Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum: Negotiation Day – Negotiators’ Behavior in the End Game | Monday, February 27 | 9…

Run your own affairs

8 years ago

Zana Popovska-Bozinovska of the website asked questions. I answered: Q: What is your position about Platform of Albanian political…

Syria peace talks worthy of the name

8 years ago

My Syrian friends at the Center for Civil Society and Democracy sent these Principles for Successful Intra-Syrian Talks, targeted at the…

Trying to hem him in

8 years ago

The appointment of H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser is one more step in trying to hem in President Trump…

Who killed these people?

8 years ago

I received this note this morning from the Humanitarian Law Center in Belgrade: Approximately 1,400 civilians were killed in the area…

Peace picks February 20-27

8 years ago

"The Battle for Syria: International Rivalry in the New Middle East," a Conversation with Dr. Christopher Phillips | Tuesday, February…

The US-Iraqi relationship re-examined

8 years ago

At an event at the Wilson Center last Wednesday experts gathered to discuss the US-Iraqi relationship under the new administration.…

Digital bread crumbs in Aleppo

8 years ago

The Atlantic Council hosted a keynote presentation of their report “Breaking Aleppo” last Monday, starting with an introduction from Frederick…

Challenges to Yemen’s peace process

8 years ago

In an event held by the Atlantic Council on Monday February 13, experts gathered together to discuss challenges to the…

Revenge of the nerds

8 years ago

The foreign policy establishment is beginning to bite back. While President Trump was outperforming even by his own low standards…