What’s at stake

8 years ago

As I am not a lawyer, I won't comment on the legal aspects of the hearing later today on the…

Cooling it

8 years ago

Iran for the moment appears to be taking a low key approach to responding to new US sanctions aimed at…

Withdraw, renegotiate, or enforce?

8 years ago

With apologies, I've been slow to post this fine piece by Sarah Timreck on an event that occurred the week…

Peace picks February 6-12

8 years ago

1. Missing OPEC? The Unwelcome Return Of Boom-Bust Oil Prices | Monday Feb 6 | 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm…

Rewriting social contracts in the Middle East

8 years ago

Authors and experts convened last Wednesday to launch of the report Carnegie Endowment Arab Fractures: Citizens, States, and Social Contracts…

30 seconds closer to midnight

8 years ago

The US Treasury today "designated" 13 individuals and 12 companies associated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) ballistic missile program and…

The Qaddafi in their heads

8 years ago

The Carnegie Endowment hosted a discussion this week with Jonathan Winer, former Special Envoy for Libya at the Department of…

It’s the oil

8 years ago

On Monday, Georgetown University’s Centers for Contemporary Arab Studies and Latin American Studies hosted an event “Oil, Authoritarianism, and Populism”…

Hard to keep up

8 years ago

It really is: the novice President has set a blazing pace in destroying alliances, alienating friends, strengthening adversaries, and provoking…

Still damaging

8 years ago

President Trump’s Executive Order affects a minor portion of international travelers, and is a first step towards reestablishing control over…