Trump is encouraging radicalization

8 years ago

Among the first refugees  blocked last night from entering the US under the President's new executive order were an Iraqi who…

Winning hearts and minds from ISIS

8 years ago

In the first of AEI’s Bradley lecture series this year on Tuesday, Graeme Wood, author of The Way of the…

More own goals

8 years ago

Donald Trump continues to score goals against his own and America's interests. Just a few examples from the last couple…

Trump’s choices on Turkey and Syria

8 years ago

The Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) hosted three panels last Thursday on Turkey and the Middle East…


8 years ago

That's goodby in Chinese: zàijiàn. My introductory two weeks to Nanjing and Beijing, the country's southern and northern capitals (with…

Own goals

8 years ago

The Trump Administration has had a busy few days committing what look to me like "own" goals, that is goals…

Peace Picks January 23-27

8 years ago

Powerplay: The Origins of the American Alliance System in Asia | Tuesday, January 24 | 3:00pm – 4:30pm | Woodrow…

36 hours

8 years ago

Donald Trump's first 36 hours as president: 1. He gave a dark inauguration address repeating the dystopian tone of his…

The Chinese are awaiting opportunity

8 years ago

As I'm in China, a few words about how Trump is viewed from here are in order. I don't speak…

Getting to enough

8 years ago

Americans elected Donald Trump president and he will be inaugurated tomorrow. I'm with John Lewis. Trump will be legal, but…