This rigged election counts

8 years ago

Donald Trump is right. This election is rigged, but in his favor. Here is some evidence: Grossly excessive media coverage in…

Mosul yes, Raqqa not yet

8 years ago

As the Iraqi offensive on Mosul progresses and Kurdish forces encroach on ISIS territory in Syria there is an eagerness to…

Managing South China Sea conflicts

8 years ago

I enjoyed some time with some smart colleagues yesterday discussing the South China Sea conflicts, unfortunately under Chatham House rules.…

Nukes in the next administration

8 years ago

Yesterday, the Brookings Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative held an event discussing how the next presidential administration should approach nuclear…

Peace picks, October 31-November 4

8 years ago

Nuclear Arms Control Choices for the Next Administration | Monday, October 31 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm | Brookings Institution |…

Emails imperil both candidates

8 years ago

I am a former Foreign Service officer who worked for 21 years in the State Department and used to handle…

Hopes for a Kingdom reformed

8 years ago

The National Council on US-Arab Relations held its annual conference this Wednesday and Thursday in Washington DC. The conference focused…

Lose an election, try a coup

8 years ago

Montenegro, invited to join NATO less than a year ago, completed its accession negotiations in May. Eleven countries have already ratified…


8 years ago

Diplomats traditionally dread release of their cables, which often convey private conversations with foreign government officials. Having left the State…

What the next president will face in the Middle East

8 years ago

On Monday the Middle East Institute hosted the launch of the November volume of The ANNALS of the American Academy…