This is not the October surprise

8 years ago

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump apologized yesterday for NATO's 1999 bombing of Serbia: The bombing of Serbs, who were our allies…

Russian views on Syria

8 years ago

On Tuesday the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies hosted a discussion with Ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak, Russian Federation…

No seal of approval

8 years ago

I've taken some flak for meeting with former Macedonian Prime Minister Gruevski on his visit to Washington last week. Here is…


8 years ago

I spent the long Columbus Day weekend in West Philadelphia hunting US citizens not yet registered to vote and campaigning…

Peace picks, October 10-14

8 years ago

Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum: Fragile States and Conflict Prevention Challenges | Tuesday, October 11th | 9.30am – 11am |…

Private investment for public infrastructure

8 years ago

Deea Ariana, who graduated with a master's from SAIS last spring, writes:  One of the inevitable costs of conflict is…

Filling my gaps

8 years ago

A number of readers have pointed out gaps in the piece I published yesterday on Macedonia. So here are my feeble…

What I’m thinking about Macedonia

8 years ago

With former Prime Minister Gruevski in DC and I gather a photo published of the dinner a few colleagues and…

Syria and Iran in the next administration

8 years ago

Election day is just a month away, but neither Mr. Trump nor Secretary Clinton have offered a detailed vision for…

Plan B options

8 years ago

The Administration is considering plan B for Syria. In order to be effective, it has to somehow rebalance the military…