Watch this

8 years ago

Of all the TV hours devoted to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, these six minutes from immigrant Khizr Khan…

Weaponizing humanitarian corridors

8 years ago

Yesterday, Moscow and Damascus proposed to open humanitarian corridors into Aleppo. But their corridors aren't intended to let humanitarian aid in.…

Don’t blame the international organizations

8 years ago

Maria-Alexandra Martin, a SAIS Conflict Management graduate active in post-conflict reconstruction and recovery, contributed this post. A native of Romania,…

Why get Hezbollah out of Syria

8 years ago

I've got a piece in the Washington Post this morning: The right target for the U.S. in Syria: Hezbollah. It starts like…

We should still support democracy

8 years ago

I signed on to this letter to President Obama written and published today by the fine Project on Middle East Democracy.…

The problems of victory

8 years ago

I missed this July 15 Middle East Institute/Johns Hopkins SAIS event "After Fallujah: Security, Governance, and the Next Battle Against…

Hold your breath

8 years ago

About half the readers of are non-American, so I feel some obligation to try to explain what is going…

The day before ISIS

8 years ago

Iraq’s problems were not born in 2003. In a roundtable discussion hosted by the Middle East Institute on last Tuesday,…

Peace picks July 25 – 29

8 years ago

Ten days after Quelling the Coup: Where is Turkey Headed? |  Tuesday, July 26th  | 11:30 AM |  The Atlantic Council…

Russian/American cooperation in Syria

8 years ago

My recent travels caused me to miss publication of the draft US/Russian agreement on Syria. You can skip the "Terms of…