No end in sight

8 years ago

How can Daesh (that's the Islamic State, ISIS or ISIL to the uninitiated) be defeated and what will happen thereafter? If…

Good ideas

8 years ago

State-building, the function American presidents love to hate, is the unavoidable foreign policy burden of our times. Without it, the…

Peace Picks June 27-30

8 years ago

Restoring NATO's Power And Purpose| Monday, June 27th | 1:30  | Atlantic Council | 1030 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20005, USA|…

Brexit’s impact in the Middle East

8 years ago

The Middle East Institute, where I am affiliated as a Scholar, published my short assessment of Brexit's impact in the region this…

Rare success

8 years ago

I'm no expert on Colombia, but you don't have to be one to welcome the ceasefire negotiated with Cuban mediation between…


8 years ago

Former Foreign Minister and Ambassador Mico Vlahovic, whose own reaction to Brexit is published here, has provided a translation into…

Continued dependence on Gulf oil

8 years ago

Doug Hengel, formerly at the State Department and now at the German Marshall Fund (and also teaching at SAIS), allowed…

The Gulf’s still risky future

8 years ago

Wednesday the Middle East Program at the Wilson Center hosted The Gulf, Iran, and Future Oil Geopolitics, featuring David Goldwyn,…


8 years ago

Yes, the "leave" vote surprised me. I expected economic rationality and political equanimity to prevail over distaste for immigrants and flag-waving…

Dear Russian friends,

8 years ago

Moscow is apparently again using incendiary weapons against civilian areas, according to the Syrian opposition delegation to the UN talks: HNC…