Is Islam exceptional?

8 years ago

At last Thursday’s Brookings event celebrating the launch of his new book on Islamic Exceptionalism, Shadi Hamid laid out the historical and…

Hamilton, not the musical

8 years ago

A friend draws to my attention this, from Alexander Hamilton's Federalist Number 1: An enlightened zeal for the energy and efficiency of…

Contrasting reactions

8 years ago

The statements of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton about the Orlando murders contrast dramatically. Trump calls the perpetrator a "radical…

Peace picks June 13 – June 17

8 years ago

Authoritarian Resilience and Revision after the Arab Uprisings. Monday, June 13. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Register…

Your Saturday puzzle

8 years ago

How many lies does Trump tell in this 11-minute tirade about the Trump University case? An answer can be found…

Declining, but not disappearing

8 years ago

Yesterday's discussion of Russia: A Test for Transatlantic Unity at the German Marshall Fund's Transatlantic Academy made for a grim morning.…

The trouble still brewing

8 years ago

Yesterday's discussion at SAIS of Learning to Live with Cheaper Oil : Policy Adjustment in MENA and CCA Oil-Exporting Countries raised…

Better than surrender

8 years ago

Colleagues at RAND have updated their peace proposal for Syria. This should be taken seriously, both because Jim Dobbins, Phil Gordon…

Trump’s defeat

8 years ago

With Hillary Clinton clinching the Democratic nomination, it is time to consider the far more likely scenario: that she will…

50 years on, who will be a hero?

8 years ago

I was in a chili joint on the south side of Chicago that night in the winter of 1967/8 when…