The Islamic State is the easy problem

9 years ago

While the Obama Administration is leaking profusely plans for military intervention in Libya against the Islamic State, I spent a…

Women in the Syria peace process

9 years ago

In the writing my master’s thesis, advisers have always asked, “What’s at stake?” My answer has varied throughout the past…

Peace picks March 7-11

9 years ago

Women in the Peace Process: Making Peace Last in Colombia | Women have played groundbreaking roles in Colombia’s peace process…

Superbowl, Academy awards, election debate

9 years ago

I've missed all three: I didn't watch the Superbowl, the Academy awards or last night's Republican debate. I suppose this…

Trumpland, not

9 years ago

If non-Americans want to know about Trump's foreign policy views, the best thing they can read is this open letter…

Development and reconciliation in Sri Lanka

9 years ago

SAIS student Stephanie Billingham reports: The tone was optimistic and conciliatory at USIP’s event with Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera last…

Leaving no one behind in fragile states

9 years ago

SAIS second year student Alexandra Martin reports from the World Bank's Fragility Forum meeting this week in Washington: The world…

Filling Bosnia’s reform gaps 2

9 years ago

Kurt Bassuener of the Democratization Policy Council replied to my Filling Bosnia’s reform gaps: You’re right, Dan, about the fear…

Filling Bosnia’s reform gaps

9 years ago

This USAID "gap analysis" for Bosnia and Herzegovina dropped into my inbox last week. I encourage those interested in the…


9 years ago

@ShibleyTelhami recommends this John Oliver video as "biting and hilarious; worth watching." I think it is more sad than hilarious,…