Russia’s new spheres of influence?

9 years ago

For the past 25 years, the main efforts deployed by the US and the West European allies aimed at supporting…

Kosovo’s glass half full

9 years ago

Kosovo daily Koha Ditore asked questions. I responded, more or less on the even of the country's February 17 independence…

Peace Picks February 15-19

9 years ago

Launch of the Task Force on the Future of Iraq | Tuesday, February 16th | 2:00-3:30 | Atlantic Council |…

A view from inside the nuclear negotiations

9 years ago

On February 9, Wilson Center hosted ‘Inside the Iran Negotiations: A Conversation with Chief Negotiator Ambassador Wendy R. Sherman.’ Jane…

The Russians win this round

9 years ago

John Kerry went to Munich this week looking for a ceasefire and humanitarian access. He got a "cessation of hostilities,"…

The ceasefire/humanitarian trap

9 years ago

Secretary of State Kerry is in Munich at the annual security conference reportedly talking with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov about…

Syria options

9 years ago

There aren't many options left, as Syrian security forces advance to besiege Aleppo and Idlib with Russian and Iranian support.…

The Superbowl and American foreign policy

9 years ago

That's patriot Lady Gaga for those like me who wouldn't recognize her on the subway. While you were all enjoying…


9 years ago

Iraq's Kurdistan Region is making noises about conducting a referendum soon to decide its political future. A drafting committee is working…

Assad is fulfilling his own prophecy

9 years ago

With Syrian government and Iranian forces encircling Aleppo aided by Russian air attacks, it behooves us to consider what happens…