All the action is not in the streets

13 years ago

The streets are dangerous in  both Egypt and Syria. In Egypt, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) has…

Inching forward

13 years ago

President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen has finally signed the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) agreement that provides him with immunity…

Giving thanks

13 years ago

Thanksgiving seems to me the most widely observed of American holidays.  It is also among the most American of our…

Countering the counter-revolution

13 years ago

It all seemed elegantly simple 10 months ago:  peaceful demonstrators took to the streets and threw out autocrats who had…

The second law of holes

13 years ago

As I've dared give advice to Belgrade, I might as well go on and compound the felony by giving advice…

Next week’s peace picks

13 years ago

It surprises me that anyone would try to do an event during Thanksgiving week, but there are in fact a…

Libya good, Egypt bad, Syria worse

13 years ago

Libyan militia fighters today captured and brought to their Zintan base Saif al Islam, Muammar Qaddafi's one-time heir apparent.  He…

The first law of holes

13 years ago

Belgrade daily Pravda asked for my views on Kosovo and Serbia's EU candidacy.  Here is how I responded: Belgrade has…

The places we’d like to forget

13 years ago

Busy morning:  conversations with people who know the situations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo really well.  What's the common…

The game is changing, but to what?

13 years ago

More than a little difficult to sum up today's Middle East Institute "game changer" conference in a few words, but…