Happy anniversary!

13 years ago

Today marks the first anniversary of www.peacefare.net, more or less.  Listen carefully to NPR, where a day sponsorship will mark…

Hold the line

13 years ago

Sonja Biserko, the courageous chair of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Belgrade, announces The End of the Kosovo…

Syria is not hopeless

13 years ago

Bashar al Assad continues to defy international pressure by cracking down violently on peaceful protesters in Syria.  The internationals are…

Waffling, weak-kneed, paltry stuff

13 years ago

Carl Bildt, Sweden's able foreign minister, today tweeted this "good conclusion" from the Euroepean Union meeting today: In the light…

This week’s peace picks

13 years ago

As the weekly "peace picks" post has been taking me too long to assemble, and this week I've let it…

Why I skipped Veterans’ Day

13 years ago

I skipped a Veterans' Day post, as I find it difficult to imagine what I could say in tribute to…

Good news and bad

13 years ago

It is good news that Jerry Gallucci has taken up the challenge of seriously assessing the Ahtisaari plan provisions for…

Syria still needs nonviolence

13 years ago

Today's suspension of Syria from the Arab League will be seen by some as irrelevant, even risible.  Who would even…

Water, food, oil, gas: many problems, or one?

13 years ago

Last week, the Transatlantic Academy gathered a plethora of academics and policy makers to discuss the global competition for natural…

Context matters, and so does U.S. support

13 years ago

I gave a talk yesterday at West Virginia University's Law School on U.S. policy towards democracy-seeking rebellions.  The star attraction…