No no-brainer

13 years ago

Eric Edelman, Andrew Krepinevich, and Evan Braden Montgomery argue that President Obama should "take out" Iran's nuclear program: The closer…

Best freebie next week

13 years ago

Game Changer: Policy and Politics   For a New Middle East   The Grand Hyatt Hotel  1000 H Street NW…

Addio, addio

13 years ago

It has taken far too long for Italy to say goodbye to Silvio Berlusconi. It will take a bit longer…

IAEA suggests Iran going nuclear

13 years ago

This IAEA report sounds pretty tame in bureaucratese, but it in effect says the UN agency can't confirm that Iran…

Arab spring needs economic reform

13 years ago

Economic factors cannot entirely explain the Arab Spring, though they certainly played an important role. Whether positive change ultimately prevails…

Crooks, fools and optimists

13 years ago

Discussions of Bosnia tend to rehash a relatively few themes:  how the Dayton agreements are flawed, whether the High Representative…

Nuclear cabal

13 years ago

The big news today is Iran's progress towards nuclear weapons.  The reports are based on information reported to have been…

Patriotism, not treason

13 years ago

I surprised a Kosovar visitor this morning with an idea I thought I had published long ago but now can't…

Boren graduate fellowships

13 years ago

Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 to U.S. graduate students to add an important international and language component to their…

This week’s “peace picks”

13 years ago

Very busy calendar the first part of the week.  Remember there may be registration and RSVP requirements not cited here. …