Eid Mubarak!

13 years ago

Tomorrow evening begins Eid al-Adha, the Muslim feast of the sacrifice, commemorating Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, as commanded…

Useless idiots have their purposes

13 years ago

Tweeter Hani Sabra: there's no nice way to say this, so here goes: anybody who thinks damascus would abide by…

Save me from Mickey Mouse!

13 years ago

Mickey Mouse is what my generation calls something superfluous, silly or trite.  Morning Edition today brought me news of American…

Are things going to hell in Libya?

13 years ago

Not yet is the answer. But you wouldn't know that from the media coverage.  National Transitional Council (NTC) chair Mahmoud…

Yemen’s loss

13 years ago

I did not know Chris Boucek, who died today at 38, well.  We crossed paths at a few meetings, and…

Best in show

13 years ago

Why would Syria accept the Arab League plan with "no reservations"? Try this:  because it requires nothing verifiable of Damascus…

Afghanistan is a Vietnam that matters

13 years ago

Expectations are low for this week's "regional" meeting in Turkey on Afghanistan.  Until Pakistan is convinced to reign in the…

Game changer

13 years ago

Politics and Policy in the New Middle East:  that's what they are calling the Middle East Institute 2011 Annual Conference…

They’ll miss it once it’s gone

13 years ago

Tim Wirth argues that UNESCO admission of Palestine as a member will initiate a cascade of U.S. withdrawals from UN…

Arresting developments

13 years ago

Ali Hawar, a friendly Kurdish journalist for Al Rudaw weekly published in Erbil, writes: A few Days ago Iraqi security…