Who is right?

13 years ago

When it comes to vital American interests, little trumps stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons.  Bruce Riedel may be right…

A Belgrade voice that should be heard

13 years ago

Jelena Milic, Executive Director of Serbia's Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies, takes a hard look at reform of the security/justice sector…

Karzai may have it right, but it will cost him

13 years ago

It isn't common or popular in Washington to say nice things about Hamid Karzai, but I confess I find his…

A step in the right direction

13 years ago

Nadim Shehadi argues in The Guardian Syrian political society will emerge and show its real face only after the regime…

This week’s peace picks

13 years ago

With thanks to former student Jeff Jorve (who suggested it), I've decided to try to highlight a few Washington, DC…

The friends we need in Islamabad

13 years ago

If all roads lead to Islamabad, which one do we take to get out? Max Boot says we have to…

Whose side are we on?

13 years ago

While Admiral Mullen has been raising questions about whose side Pakistan is on in the Afghanistan war, it is fair…

Is the U.S. still enabling dictators?

13 years ago

Several of the Arab protest movements look set to fail: Bahrain's already has, Yemen's is engulfed in civil war and…

Libya redux

13 years ago

Reuters published this piece of mine yesterday under the heading "What's Behind Libya's Fast March to Democracy?"  It would not…

They lead, we support

13 years ago

The European Union Institute for Strategic Studies asked "what's next and whose job is it?" for transformations in the Arab…