Diplomatic observers for Syria

13 years ago

I'd like to revive an idea that I put forward more than a month ago:  diplomatic observers for Syria. I…

For the Balkanites among you

13 years ago

Matja Stojanovic of Danas asked a few questions again.  I understand my replies were published today.  Here is the interview…

All roads lead to Islamabad

13 years ago

The commentariat is rarely as unanimous as it has been on the assassination of Barhanuddin Rabbani:  Dexter Filkins, Marvin Weinbaum,…

Rashomon beyond borders

13 years ago

I finished jury duty yesterday, acquitting a guy who was observed by an undercover policeman conducting a drug transaction.  The…

Does statehood make a difference?

13 years ago

Three different concepts are often confounded:  statehood, sovereignty and independence.  There is good reason for this:  most states are also…

The long and the short of it

13 years ago

As I prepare to head home to DC from Cairo today, my two weeks in Egypt and Libya seem enormously…

So far so good

13 years ago

Free Libya seems to me headed in the right direction.  It could still be diverted, in particular if Qaddafi manages…

One hand

13 years ago

My stake-out of a Tripoli mosque during noon-time prayers yesterday led to a conversation with a professor of forensic science. …

From the shores of Tripoli

13 years ago

I arrived in Tripoli yesterday.  Things here are much less "normal" than in Benghazi:  there are lots of young men…

Normal, but still far from ideal

13 years ago

If life seems normal in Benghazi these days, it is still far from ideal.  Having previously discussed the positive developments,…