Benghazi: a normal life, for the moment

13 years ago

It would be wrong to suggest that everything is going well in Libya.  Yesterday's attack on oil facilities at Ras…

A sense of direction

13 years ago

Friday night's attack on the Israeli embassy in Cairo has already generated more heat than light.  The analytical question is…

What I said and didn’t say

13 years ago

I'm not much into the duelling aspect of blogging, but there has been enough misunderstanding of what I wrote yesterday…

My Tahrir experience last night

13 years ago

I spent yesterday evening in Tahrir square, which meant that I missed the attack on the Israeli embassy that has…

Stand up Egyptian!

13 years ago

Today's demonstration in Cairo promises to be important.  Dubbed "correcting the path," it aims to convince the army to schedule…

Rebuilding Libya

13 years ago

Ian Ramsey-North, a recent Haverford graduate in poli sci (old school tie binds!), reports on yesterday's event at the National…

Land of civilization

13 years ago

That's what the signs say on the way to Saqqara, where the step pyramid and the artefacts found within, now…

“Get up stand up for your rights…

13 years ago

...don't give up the fight."  That's what Bob Marley was singing as my cab circled Tahrir square this afternoon to…

Egypt reading

13 years ago

I'm heading for Cairo today.  Here are some of the more recent short pieces I've thought worth reading on the…

Tempest in a tea pot

13 years ago

B92 reports that Pristina and Belgrade have reached agreement on customs stamps and documentation:  they will read only "customs of…