The rap, good and bad, from Iraq

13 years ago

The several dozen attacks across Iraq today that killed at least 68 people raise many questions:  is al Qaeda in…

Making unity attractive

13 years ago

I've just arrived back in Pristina from North Mitrovica, where things couldn't be calmer.  Adults in the shade drinking beer,…

Macedonia is not an island

13 years ago

I've been out all day getting to Ohrid and back to Pristina, so haven't posted or tweeted.  The best I…

Reintegration requires a plan

13 years ago

Pristina is a lot cooler than I had anticipated--barely a cloud in the sky too.  It looks a lot better…

Preparing for post-Qaddafi Libya, shortened

13 years ago

For those who think the full Council on Foreign Relations version is too long, here is my 750-word version, most…

Getting to post-Assad Syria

13 years ago

By Adam Lewis, Editor & Webmaster at Today a Middle East Institute panel entitled “Syria on the Verge: Implications…

Post-Qaddafi Libya

13 years ago

I'm traveling tonight, so I'm putting up tomorrow's blog post today: Politicians don’t like to answer hypothetical questions, but analysts…

Anyone still think it was the downgrade?

13 years ago

Yesterday's sharp bump upwards on the stock market following the Fed's announcement that it would keep interest rates low for…

Forget the downgrade

13 years ago

Forget the downgrade. It really is a non-event given the decline in U.S. government bond rates.  If the world is…

Is Macedonia better off with Ohrid?

13 years ago

I am hoping to be in Ohrid Saturday.  Here is an interview I did with Slobodanka Jovanovska of Utrinski Vesnik,…