The Afghanistan war’s last casualty

13 years ago

Steve Clemons has noted how the Afghanistan war, once a magnet for the best and the brightest, has been left…

Off the deep end

13 years ago

So much is being written so quickly about a Norwegian whose name I don't care to remember it is very…

The Balkan high road

13 years ago

Asked to talk with Fulbrighters going to Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, I did the following notes for myself.  They…

Can citizens bridge the divide?

13 years ago

Pew yesterday published the results of its survey of Western and Muslim attitudes towards each other, updating a 2006 survey. …

The rich get richer

13 years ago

Yesterday's conference on investment prospects in the wake of the Arab Spring over at the World Bank's Multilateral Investment Guarantee…

Better late than never

13 years ago

Goran  Hadžić, the last remaining Serb fugitive from indictments by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, was arrested…

Beyond Rupert Murdoch

13 years ago

The Murdoch scandal may look like a domestic UK affair, with repercussions for the media also domestically in Australia and…

No harm done, maybe some good

13 years ago

The State Department has let it be known that Assistant Secretary Jeffrey Feltman met with Libyan government (as in Gaddafi)…

Nonviolent discipline is still vital

13 years ago

While I am afraid I've written this all before, it is important to reiterate now that sectarianism is rearing its…

The real budget losers won’t be military

13 years ago

After several days of Casey Anthony, Carmeggedon, and Rebekah Brooks, my TV finally produced something worth watching:  the U.S./Japan women's…