The damndest problem

13 years ago

Somehow this invitation to a discussion of India/Pakistan relations prompts me to ask a different but related question:  how should…

Does recognition make a difference?

13 years ago

The United States today joined 32 other countries at what is being called a "contact group" meeting in Istanbul in…

A Libya busman’s holiday

13 years ago

I've got a paper coming out on Libya over at the Council on Foreign Relations in the next couple of…

Let’s be practical

13 years ago

As I thought I might be giving a talk this week about the Balkans, I prepared the following text, which…

What if Gaddafi holds on?

13 years ago

The Atlantic Wire has usefully assembled all the occasions on which Muammar Gaddafi has indicated he will step down.  Obviously…

Crunch time in Baghdad

13 years ago

Well into July and still no Baghdad decision on whether to ask the Americans to keep some troops in Iraq…

A different kind of ambassador

13 years ago

The Syrian government is so anxious to keep order in Hama, where the American ambassador Friday expressed solidarity with the…

Diplomacy stirs

13 years ago

I won't claim it is due to what I asked three days ago on (where are the diplomats?), but…

Congratulations! What now?

13 years ago

  Independence happened at midnight.  Statehood and sovereignty will take decades more. For South Sudan this is as much opportunity…

Where are the diplomats?

13 years ago

In Libya and Yemen, presidents are hanging on way past their "use by" date. Ali Abdullah Saleh appeared today on…