A Political Solution to the Afghan War

13 years ago

My piece, as published this morning at theatlantic.com: The U.S. wants a negotiated peace with the Taliban. Here are the…

Porcelain unicorn

13 years ago

Winner of the 3-minute, six-line film competition, Tell It Your Way, and worth every second:

All about Serbia

13 years ago

From one perspective, the news this morning seems all about Serbia: Novak Đoković won Wimbledon, Ratko Mladić got tossed out…

Independence is over-rated

13 years ago

Yes, that's what I said: over-rated. Despite the inspirational words, the declaration of July 4, 1776 didn't change much. Seven…

Still running out of time?

13 years ago

This is from Idlib, in northwestern Syria, today. Al Jazeera says: The first large sign in Arabic reads: "Yes for…

Small beans, big potatoes and one more thing

13 years ago

Usually I don't comment on an agreement or the like until it is published, or at least reliably leaked.  But…

Here’s another idea for Bosnia

13 years ago

One question plagues every discussion of Bosnia:  do Bosnians want to live in the same country?  Nationalist leaders of two…

Here’s an idea for Bosnia

13 years ago

Balkans fans will know that Brčko, a northeast Bosnian town, became the knot that couldn't be untied at Dayton and…

Two areas agreement

13 years ago

I'm still studying it, but I thought the "framework" agreement reached yesterday in Addis Ababa between the Government of Sudan…

Avoiding a September Israel/Palestine train wreck

13 years ago

Doom and gloom over at Woodrow Wilson this morning:  Shai Feldman and Aaron David Miller in particular foresee no prospect…