Assad is sane but not secure

13 years ago

The headline writers are suggesting that Syria's Bashar al Assad has lost his mind, and others that his speech today…

Afghanistan decision time, again

13 years ago

Douglas Ollivant at is asking the right questions: What are our national interests in Afghanistan? Which of those are…

The lemonade gambit

13 years ago

Regular readers of will know that I don't usually refer to Tom Friedman, who often strikes me as more…

Zbogom Balkan

13 years ago

My discussion last night with stalwarts of the Foreign Policy Initiative in Sarajevo suggested one important elaboration on yesterday's post--an…

Bosnia options

13 years ago

I think of myself not as an optimist or pessimist, but as a realist, albeit an occasionally imaginative (hopefully not…

Too clever by half

13 years ago

As I have been attending a conference in Sarajevo for the past two days, it is more than time that…

No Belgrade, but here is what I would say

13 years ago

Here is an interview I've done for Snezana Congradin and Matja Stojanovic, published by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights…

Yemen will need the Americans

13 years ago

The end is near for Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and Bashar al Assad of Syria.…

Pandora’s box should stay closed

13 years ago

Thursday I offered a few pleasant surprises from my visit to Kosovo, but with no firm conclusions on the vital…

Returning to Sarajevo

13 years ago

This is an interview that appeared this week in the Sarajevo weekly Dani. I arrived in Bosnia's capital just this…