This is good

13 years ago

Stanley Foundation provides a video briefing on Liberia in the leadup to October elections:     Long live Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf!…

Compare these

13 years ago

Here is an excerpt from Monday's statement by Serbia at the UN Security Council debate on Bosnia: We consider that…

How to save Bosnia and Herzegovina

13 years ago

John Menzies, post-war U.S. ambassador in Sarajevo in 1996 and war-time Charge' d'affaires in 1995, writes: Background The U.S. has…

An aging peacehawk

13 years ago

Not everyone will like this interview with Israeli President Shimon Peres, but I find it remarkable.  He declares Palestinian Authority…

Red card

13 years ago

The High Representative for Dayton peace agreement implementation in Bosnia has submitted two reports to the Secretary General, one more…

Obama laps to the wrong side of history

13 years ago

While he is wisely not spiking the football, President Obama is still taking a few victory laps.  The problem is…

Tangible progress meets lack of capacity

13 years ago

The April "1230" Department of Defense progress report on Security and Stability in Afghanistan summarizes its findings this way: ...International…

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong

13 years ago

I am reluctant to turn into a boxing ring, with International Crisis Group (ICG) in one corner and an…

Two state shuffle

13 years ago

Following on the signing of a "unity" agreement between Fatah (which controls the West Bank) and Hamas (which controls Gaza),…

Better to jaw-jaw than to war-war

13 years ago

This could be said of many places of course, but it occurred to me today after a discussion with Sudan's…