You reap what was sown

13 years ago

A reader tweets: Personally I prefer Bosnia to stay one single state. But how can we say YES to #Kosovo…

Getting Gaddafi out also requires diplomacy

13 years ago

Tony Cordesman's tirade against the half-hearted effort NATO is making against Gaddafi's forces in Libya is all the rage today…

If only we had 10 plagues to send

13 years ago

It's the second night of Passover and Bashar al Assad is still not letting his people go. The notion that…

The Passover of Arab liberation

13 years ago

Tonight is the beginning of Passover, the holiday celebrating the founding narrative of the Jewish people, which is also regarded…

What do Syrians want?

13 years ago

While the Arabist is certainly correct in noting the banality of President Bashar al Assad's speech to his new council…

Bosnia: fix thyself

13 years ago

Sead Numanovic of Dnevni Avaz, a Bosnian daily, has suggested I address the question I asked Friday about the Arab…

The countdown to referendum begins

13 years ago

Another of my Bosnia-watching friends (I've got many) offers the following: On April 13th, RS President Milorad Dodik asked a…

How long can this go on?

13 years ago

Big demos today Yemen and Syria. President Saleh has so far played rope-a-dope, pretending to negotiate but in fact ducking…

What good is the European Union?

13 years ago

Yesterday afternoon SAIS hosted a discussion of "Europe, Italy and the Libya" crisis to celebrate the publication of Federiga Bindi's…

When the going gets rough

13 years ago

While the Libya "contact group" is discussing funding for the rebels, NATO is defending itself from charges of not being…