The devil in the details is named Saif

13 years ago

Former Republican Congressman Curt Weldon says in the New York Times this morning that he is in Libya to get…

Bad model, so limit the damage

13 years ago

Matthew Parish, continuing the conversation about Bosnia that started yesterday, writes (tune in tomorrow for Kurt's response): Kurt and I…

A dialogue on Bosnia: why not lighten up?

13 years ago

Colleagues Matthew Parish and Kurt Bassuener, both long-term observers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), clashed recently over at Balkans Insight…

Syria: not now but not never

13 years ago

Describing the Syrian protests as less than widespread and deep-rooted, Joshua Landis, who knows more about Syria than 10 of…


13 years ago

Tune in to Rutgers University Professor Eric Davis and me, chatting on Friday about events in the Arab world:  

A still small voice

13 years ago

I've been wondering how Syrians are feeling about their regime and its disdain for the its citizens.  Over at Diadochi…


13 years ago

It doesn't get much more senseless than this:  a pastor in Florida conducts a mock trial of the Koran, then…

No joke

13 years ago

The day is done in the Middle East, with no definitive results: protests were widespread in Syria, with at least…

Good behavior and laughter make better revolution

13 years ago

As incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo is being forced out of power by election winner Alassane Ouattara in the Ivory Coast,…

Another BIG Friday

13 years ago

The President of Syria has thumbed his nose at the protesters, suggesting that they are operating on an Israeli agenda.…